Thursday, November 20, 2008

What's Going On Here???

Bruce was copying the pictures he took of Leah from his camera to my computer, and happened to leave this one on the screen. I guess it's never too early to start reading, and reading is fundamental.
Reading is fundamental
On a side note, when I went to the local community college and was hanging out in the food court, a lady walked up to me and asked if Leah was an "early admit". I thought that was sweet. But hey, she is our child, and today she figured out how to move the gate that blocks the stairs if we don't put it up correctly. She's really beginning to copy a lot of the things I do. She is also learning how to blow her nose into tissue, if Bruce or I hold it, of course. I'm amazed at how much she's learned to do in just a year.

On another side note, if anyone is wondering what the title of the book is, it's "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" by Dr. Laura Schlessinger. I guess she's trying to get a head start on that too.



Today is Leah's first birthday. We had some cake with the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group at Jungle Jimbos. Leah enjoyed smearing it all over her face, while eating most of it, got a sugar rush, and then crashed for two hours. She got a few presents and a few balloons, and had a very happy birthday (not that she knows what a birthday is yet). Boy one-year-olds are easy to please.

Leah's first lollipop
Leah's 1st Birthday Cake
Here comes the cake
First frosting facial
Yummy cake
Napkin please!

Off to the Races

Speed Limit None images
So last Sunday Bruce and I went to a NASCAR
race for the first time, at Homestead-Miami Speedway, and although I was kind of nervous about it at first, I actually had a good time. I must admit that I would never do it myself, but there is an adrenaline rush that goes along with watching cars racing by at 200 m.p.h. If there ever is a next time, I will bring some earplugs, 'cause it was loud.

The only thing I didn't care for was that smoking was allowed in the stadium, cough, cough, hack, hack, and we were fortunate enough (sarcasm intended) to be sitting right behind two smokers who seemed to be taking pleasure in blowing their smoke into the breeze traveling right into my face. I didn't necessarily care for all the drinking either, not that there's anything wrong with drinking by itself, but we all know everyone can't handle alcohol. There were several folks that looked like they had a few too many brewskies, if you know what I mean.

All in all, NASCAR gets a thumbs up from me, especially because they pray before the race. Now I know it's mostly because they want the good Lord to keep anyone from being seriously hurt, but at least they still have the audacity to acknowledge that only the Lord can protect them. Like Jeff Foxworthy said, in reference to red necks (not that I am a redneck), "We pray to Him because we believe in Him."

On a side note, my husband wants me to add that, and I quote, "Tony Stewart is amazing, and he only lost by 13 gallons." This was the last race of the season, so it really didn't matter either way.

So, all in all, it was a great time, and maybe next season we'll try and catch the next race that comes to Homestead, if we're still here then (and hopefully we will be).


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Let's See How Long This Lasts...

Well, since so many people around us have been blogging, Bruce and I decided we should give it a try as well, especially since our family and friends are all the way across the country. We'll try to be consistent with this, but I'm not making any promises. I'm also not responsible for anything Bruce puts on this page (he wanted to call our blog "Keylime Pie and Rice; I'm pregnant and that's still sounds disgusting).

Anyway, we'll be posting recent pictures of Leah on here (since I know that's all most of you care about anyway), and we'll probably have our own separate sections for personal random rantings and ravings (which usually amounts to audio/auto vs. social issues). On a side note, can you believe I know more about sports than my husband does? (He doesn't care by the way)